PyCon ZA 2016

by Anna Makarudze

Nov. 30, 2016, 10:44 p.m.

I must say I have had a very eventful year, particularly the last four months of the year. I had a Django Girls event in September, PyCon ZA in October and then Django: Under The Hood and PyCon Zimbabwe in November. I almost thought I would not make it for PyCon ZA due to a busy schedule but after seeing their continued call for proposals on several mailing lists I decided I had to be there for my neighbours.

I managed to get my talk, Open Source Software Initiatives in Zimbabwe, accepted and get full funding to attend and speak at the conference. I also managed to get selected to be a panelist in the discussion on Python in Education and I was able to share my experiences on teaching Python. So for the first time, I actually had a video on YouTube, yay! Thanks to PyCon ZA for that, and the conference was so awesome and organised. So much to learn from all the interesting talks and workshops! Better yet, we had one of the speakers at PyCon ZA speak at PyCon Zimbabwe, yay!

Coding Tips

Pytest assert True

Category: Django

Pytest equivalent of



assert some_condition.

For example


using pytest would be

assert form.is_valid().

✨Magic ✨