About me

I have over 12 years of experience in the ICT sector and previously held multiple positions in Zimbabwe and globally. I received a BSc (Hons.) in Computer Science from Midlands State University and an MSc in Strategic Management from Chinhoyi University.

Since 2015 I have focused on Python/Django development and have been very active in the community as a conference speaker, Django Girls Trustee, and member of the DSF’s Code of Conduct Committee. Since 2018 I have served on the DSF Board and held the position of Vice President (2019-2020) and currently President (2020-present).

I am the lead maintainer of the open source Django Girls repo where I write code, update documentation, review pull requests, and maintain the server. Recent work includes updating the project from Django 2.0 to 3.2 in stages and improving the layout.

In 2019, I worked for BriteCore where I wrote tests to increase the test coverage for the BriteCore software packages, developed internal tools and APIs and conducted research for the BriteCore platform. I also reviewed pull requests for my team members, contributed to internal documentation and attended to client tickets.

Projects I have worked on independently include an activity generator API that suggests activities one can do when they are bored; and an XML to HTML convertor that converts DMARC reports which are in XML format to HTML to make them human-readable. I am currently working on a library management system and a conveyances system for fun.

Coding Tips

Pytest assert False

Category: Django

Pytest equivalent of



assert some_condition.

For example


using pytest would be

assert not form.is_valid().

✨Magic ✨