My Django Girls Story

by Anna Makarudze

June 22, 2016, 1:44 p.m.

As is custom for Django Girls organisers and coaches, I have written a story on my experiences organising and running Django Girls Harare workshop. The story will be published on Monday 27th June 2016 on the Django Girls blog. Am so excited and cannot wait for Monday!

I had an awesome experience organising my first workshop, it wasn't all easy but I did learn quite a lot on running and organising workshops. I also share some programming tips in the blog post so be sure to follow the post. You can follow this link to read my story.

Many thanks to Django Girls for publishing my story.

Coding Tips

Pytest assert False

Category: Django

Pytest equivalent of



assert some_condition.

For example


using pytest would be

assert not form.is_valid().

✨Magic ✨